Harry potter and the order of phoenix book
Harry potter and the order of phoenix book

harry potter and the order of phoenix book

Besides Harry, Ron and Hermione, key members of the army are Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley She refuses to teach the students anything practicalĭumbledore's Army: A secret group in which Harry teaches particular students Defense Against the Dark Arts. Harry returns to the Dursleys, depressed by the loss of his godfather Sirius.ĭolores Umbridge: Senior Under Secretary to the Minister and new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Dumbledore reveals the chilling prophecy: Harry must kill Voldemort or be murdered by him. The Ministry finally admits that Voldemort has returned. Sirius dies at the hands of his cousin, Bellatrix the Death Eaters are captured and Voldemort disappears after dueling with Dumbledore. Dumbledore's Army fights the Death Eaters until the Order of the Phoenix arrives. The Dark Lord is looking for a prophecy in a glass sphere that only Harry can retrieve. Harry has a vision that Sirius is in danger and heads to the Department of Mysteries, but it turns out to be a trap set by Voldemort. Professor Snape gives Harry lessons in Occlumency to block Voldemort's intrusion into his mind, but because of their mutual disdain, Harry learns little. Haunted by strange visions, Harry discovers that he and Voldemort can read each other's thoughts. Because they are not learning anything under Umbridge's tutelage, Harry, Hermione and Ron form a student group, Dumbledore's Army, to prepare for the return of Voldemort. At Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge is appointed the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but she is also spying on the school for the Ministry. Meanwhile, a secret society, the Order of the Phoenix, has been formed to combat Voldemort, who is rumored to be rebuilding his army of Death Eaters.

harry potter and the order of phoenix book

The Ministry of Magic refuses to acknowledge that Voldemort has returned. Pleading self-defense, Harry is cleared of the charges against him. He is ordered to appear at a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Ages 9-12.What happens in the book: Before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry gets an official letter stating that he is expelled for performing magic outside the school. (The author also draws some insightful parallels between the Ministry's exercise of power and the current political climate.) As hope blooms at story's end, those who have followed Harry thus far will be every bit as eager to discover what happens to him in his sixth and seventh years. Harry suffers a loss and learns some unpleasant truths about his father, which result in his compassion for some unlikely characters. Rowling favors psychological development over plot development here, skillfully exploring the effects of Harry's fall from popularity and the often isolating feelings of adolescence. But the showdown between Harry and Voldemort feels curiously anticlimactic after the stunning clash at the close of book four. Readers get to discover the purpose behind the Order of the Phoenix and more is revealed of the connection between Harry and You-Know-Who.

harry potter and the order of phoenix book

And Harry's romance with his crush from the last book, Cho Chang, turns out to be a major waterworks (she cries when she's happy, she cries shen she's sad).

harry potter and the order of phoenix book

She bans him from the Quidditch team (resulting in minimal action on the pitch) and keeps a tight watch on him. A hateful woman from the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Umbridge (who, along with minister Cornelius Fudge nearly succeeds in expelling Harry from Hogwarts before the start of the school year), overtakes Hogwarts GrandPr 's toadlike portrait of her is priceless and makes life even more miserable for him. Aside from an early skirmish with a pair of dementors, in which Harry finds himself in the position of defending not only himself but his dreaded cousin, Dudley, there is little action until the end of these nearly 900 pages. When he reunites with them at last, he learns that The Daily Prophet has launched a smear campaign to discredit Harry's and Dumbledore's report of Voldemort's reappearance at the end of book four, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Rowling may be relying upon readers to have solidified their liking for her hero in the first four books, because the 15-year-old Harry Potter they meet here is quite dour after a summer at the Dursleys' house on Privet Drive, with no word from pals Hermione or Ron. Year five at Hogwarts is no fun for Harry.

Harry potter and the order of phoenix book